My Former Life in Messianic Judaism

Scroll down for the video. But first – I spent two decades involved in a fellowship that dove deeper into the abyss of a cult and left a lot of hurting people in the wake of leadership. I was one of them – a former elder and vice president of Messiah Fellowship, I found myself near the top of the frenzied food chain of the cult. When, through the great mercy and love of God, I was awakened and we left, my family and I experienced the hatefulness of some and suffered being shunned by others.

Messiah Fellowship was the third change in a name change that began as Maranatha Christian Fellowship then Calvary Christian Fellowship, before taking on the brand of Messiah Fellowship. Messiah Fellowship was a Hebrew Roots, Messianic Judaism type gathering. It went from numbers nearing 600 attendees on a Sunday, being featured on a local CBS affiliate news story, to around 50 people when we left in June of 2020. Sadly, it took the passing of our oldest daughter from cancer to finally shake me out of the fog to begin the walk out of the legalistic mess.

If you would like to know more, have questions, or find yourself or a loved one, or if you’re a pastor who is beginning to see the encroachment of a legalistic cult, HRM, MJ, or otherwise, I’m available to meet for coffee, do a small group, a seminar, or a Sunday morning and give my testimony and what God has revealed to me, and is revealing, about the scheme of the devil to turn God’s people away from Jesus, our “First Love.”

The video below is of a Q&A session I was blessed to do at Harvest Fellowship on Wallen Road in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I am grateful to my long-time friend and faithful brother, Pastor Paul Mowery for conducting the interview and allowing me to do all three services over a full weekend at Harvest. I am available to share at other fellowships about my experiences, or meet one on one if possible, to expose this heresy and the dangers of the Hebrew Roots and Messianic Judaism cults.

Pastor Banner Kidd is an ordained minister, registered with Christian Leaders Alliance and First Love Outreach Fellowship, where he pastors, is a registered Soul Center. His ordination includes a laying on of hands from the leadership of Harvest Fellowship in Fort Wayne, Indiana. First Love Outreach will begin meeting each Saturday at 6pm, at 800 E. Main St. in Albion, Indiana, on January 11th. Come join us for live worship and for a verse by verse preaching through the Bible. Banner can be reached at, by phone or text at 260-336-4106.